Nordic Animals and Young Pianists is a narrative musical journey created by Sini Lavastre. The book includes a story about Bonny Little Bunny, new piano compositions and arrangements for 3-4 pianists on one piano, chords and lyrics, a link to a recording of the pieces, pedagogical instructions and ideas for group lessons. The arrangements are suitable for children aged 3-12 with piano studies of 0-5 years.
With the help of this sheet music collection, you can design music lessons which include storytelling, playing music together, arts integration, improvisation and learning music theory with body and movement.
The students of KONSTa Art School in Turku made the illustrations for the book while listening to the compositions and the story of The Bonny Little Bunny, who is waiting for the winter to get a white winter coat. But the winter doesn’t come due to climate change. The Bunny sets out to the Arctic Ocean to search for the winter and encounters Nordic animals during her journey.
Nordic Animals is suitable for piano pedagogues, early childhood music educators, music teachers and their students, also for nurserary teachers.
All texts are published in Finnish and English.
38 pages.
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